Showing posts with label Battle report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle report. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Holiday Gaming

Managed to get a few games in over the holidays. First game was 400 point Impetus. Nevski Russians vs my brothers Teutonics .
I sent one of my commands on a flank attack and typically it didn't arrive till the last turn. Pretty convincing win to my brothers Teutonic's.

After that we re-fought Quatre Bras using the Blucher ruleset and cards from the 100days set. Great ruleset, think it is pretty hard scenario for the french to decisively win. Ended with the British holding both objectives.
Finally we had a game of SAGA, vikings vs Normans. It was our first 6 point game so we went straight up kill the warlord scenario.
Managed to get a win after a head to head warlord combat.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

SAGA battle report

Managed to get 2 games of SAGA in over the weekend against my brothers Normans. 5 points my Vikings against his Normans. First game was a straight up Kill the Warlord scenario.

Initial deployments.

Hearthguard ready for action.

Normans move off the hill.

Sneaky Bezerkers hiding.

Norman knights gearing up to charge.

Battle lines about to clash.

ODIN!!! Victorious bezerkers see off the Norman Warlord.

Second game was the Sacred Ground scenario.

Vikings make an early rush to the hill to start scoring victory points.

Gulp, Normans prepare to remove me from the hill.

Ouch, the melee didn't go so well.

Bezerkers strike again.

Finished off by a crossbow, that's no way for a viking to die, victory goes to the Normans.

Also managed to finish of my final point of Bondi.

After seeing this thread i have been inspired to have a go myself and have bought one of the Revell viking ship kits. Bit nervous has i am getting to the point when i am going to try and waterline her, got myself a circular saw blade for my Dremel that should do the job, will keep you updated.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Terminator Genisys

The other commission i have been busy with recently is painting up the mini's for the new Terminator Genisys game from Warlord.

The Resistance


Also managed to get a game in over the Bank Holiday. This time it was a Punic Wars match up. We played in the evening and the light was really poor so i didn't manage to get any good photos. Its a good thing as it was another loss as my Roman Legions crumbled away.

It all started off so well with my Romans in nice ordered lines.

Night Fighting.

With a couple of commissions completed i am going to try and finish off some mini's for myself. I have some Viking berserkers for my SAGA project prepped and ready to go.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Impetus Battle Report

Played a game of Impetus with my brother over the weekend. 300 point Hun vs Late Romans. It was one of those games where everything seemed to be going right till the last round when it all fall apart and i lost the game. On top of that the light was not very good so i did'nt manage to get many photos.

Strong roman battle line in the centre.

Franks advancing on the flank, shame they could'nt even manage to defeat a unit of light infantry.

Hun cavalry working the other flank.

The victorious Roman cavalry that did all the damage. In two turns managed to defeat my Hun CM and burst through and mop up two more damaged units i had retired to the rear. Normally these are a difficult unit to use right but this game my brother held them back till the very end then released them to attack my already damaged units.

As well as gaming i have finished a painting commission of some ancient Persian cavalry. Pretty flashy chaps with lots of bright colours and patterns.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Round Two

Managed another game of Impetus over the weekend. Medieval Russians vs Teutonics.

Teutonic Cavalry Horde bearing down on me.
Camp Duty.
Russian Cavalry charge out to meet the enemy.
The initial charge goes well for the Russians destroying one of the Teutonic Knights.
The centre becomes a grudge match with both generals entering the fray.
Impetus swings to the Teutonics as they push the Russian cavalry back and eventually manage to destroy that command.
The Russian foot finally arrives but to late to affect the outcome of the battle.
Disaster for the Russians as the game ends in defeat. The Teutonic General celebrates victory.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

The Russians are coming

The Russians got their first outing against my brothers Teutonic Knights. These are new armies for both of us, with lots of heavy cavalry in each army. Think its going to be a quick battle as both armies charge into each other.

Showing off before the battle

The Teutonics deploy in two commands, one on each flank

The Russians charge out to meet them

We played the game using the new tournament amendments. The cropped up a couple of times. Firstly the Teutonic light cavalry fails its evasion roll and gets destroyed by the Russian cavalry. Secondly the Support rule helps the Russian cavalry grind it out with the Brother Knights.

Eventually the Russian foot make a triple move and manage to flank the Bishops Knights. They win the combat destroying them and breaking the command and the army. Result is a Russian victory.

The game was played on a piece of grey felt that had a couple of white cans of paint sprayed over it, Quite happy with the result, think it will look great when we have finished some winter terrain and base camps to go on it.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas trio of games

Managed to get three games of Impetus in over the Christmas Holidays.

Game One
First game went for the classic Punic war match-up. I played Roman, my brother Carthaginian.
Classic Roman deployment with legions in the centre, cavalry on the wings.

The Carthaginian centre with heavy infantry and elephants.

Unbelievably the Carthaginian General gets promoted and the Roman General demoted on the same term. Is it an omen or over-confidence?

Light Cavalry clash on the wings.

Roman legion smashes through the Spanish Infantry breaking their command.

Roman general contemplates his victory.

Game Two
I went with the same Roman army against a later Macedonian  army.
Macedonian Phalanx ready to meet the Roman Legions

View of the centre before both lines clash.

This time the Roman legions cant the impact on the dense wall of pikes who steam roll over them and break the Romans.

Game Three
This time my brother played the Romans and i went with a later Seleucid army.

Pikes, elephants and scythed chariots, whats not to like.

Roman Legions advance forward.

A little duel develops on the flank where Seleucid light infantry stop the Romans from outflanking them.

The scythed chariot charges forward to glory only to be destroyed by a storm of pilums.

The elephant manages to flank one of the Roman units who advance to far forward. This is the only casualty that the Macedonians cause and the battle ends a draw.

At the end of three fun and close fought battles the honour remains even with one win, one loss and a draw each.