Friday 18 September 2015

Monday 7 September 2015


Finished the berserkers for my growing SAGA warband. Just got to finish another point of Bondi and i will have a 4 point warband painted.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Terminator Genisys

The other commission i have been busy with recently is painting up the mini's for the new Terminator Genisys game from Warlord.

The Resistance


Also managed to get a game in over the Bank Holiday. This time it was a Punic Wars match up. We played in the evening and the light was really poor so i didn't manage to get any good photos. Its a good thing as it was another loss as my Roman Legions crumbled away.

It all started off so well with my Romans in nice ordered lines.

Night Fighting.

With a couple of commissions completed i am going to try and finish off some mini's for myself. I have some Viking berserkers for my SAGA project prepped and ready to go.