Tuesday 6 March 2018

Still Gaming

I know i havent posted antyjing in a long time, what with a new job and life getting in the way. This doesnt mean i havent managed any gaming. I have just finised my latest army for Impetus.
They are New Kingdom Egyptians from Cuttingedge Miniatures, they are also availble from the Warlord Games site.

These figures are true 28mm scale, and quite small compared to a lot of the herioc scale 28mm mini's out there. I enjoyed painting them and happy with the result. Used a limited palette and that always helps to give the  army a cohesive feel.

Army ready for battle. This is the basic Impetus army with 1 extra skirmisher.

Also made the matching terrain. The tomb entrance will serve as my base camp when I play big Impetus.