Sunday 27 July 2014

Some more SAGA figures

A quick post showing what i have been up to recently, some more of the awesome SAGA figures from Gripping Beast.
Brodir of Man
Maredudd ap Owain
Ragnar Lothbrok

Thursday 17 July 2014

Mercs Miniatures

Bit of a change of scene for me as i have been painting up some Mercs Miniature starter kits as a commission. They are the Texico and FCC House 9 factions. Nice miniatures, lots of detail.

FCC House 9
Group shot.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Harold Godwinson and his Brothers

Just finished painting up Harold Godwinson and his brothers from Gripping Beast. Happy with the freehand heraldry on his shield, not a strong point of mine but i think it came out well.

Awesome sculpts, you got to love them Long Axes.