Monday 31 August 2015

Saxon Miniatures

Just finished a commission painting up some of the figures from Saxon Miniatures. Lovely figures and easy to paint. Tempted to get some for myself but i have to stay focused and finish my Vikings.

Arthurian Warlords

Saxon Warlords

Sunday 2 August 2015

Beware the Beholder

All the buzz around Frostgrave has me remembering my fantasy roots, so i have decided to paint up some miniatures. I have started with a Reaper Beholder. Think it could be used as a wondering monster but i am drawn to the idea of using it as an apprentice for my Warband of Ultimate Evil.

Saga progression

Steadily working on my SAGA Viking Warband. My brother has settle on the Normans and i have finished my Warlord and a group of Bondi to take it up to 2 points worth. Most of the new figures are from Foundry, the horn player behind the Warlord is from Gripping Beast. Shield transfers and banner from lbms.



Group shot